
Limitations and prospects of economic relations between Republic of Kosova and Serbia

The last publication for 2022 presents a new alternative to economic relations between Kosova and Serbia. In Limitations and prospects of economic relations between the Republic of Kosova and Serbia, author Edison Jakurti provides a paradigm shift from equality of opportunity to equity. To be mutually beneficial, any future cooperation must consider the inequalities that exist between the two economies.

Regional economic cooperation although necessary has not proven successful with many imposed trade and non-trade barriers. The cumulative and yearly trade balance between the two countries is substantially negative for Kosova. Even if the trade becomes barrier-free, it would not be sufficient to address the economic conditions necessary for increasing and developing the domestic economy. The policy brief recommends an intensified focus on within progress built upon economic progressivism, conditional on political will.

The policy brief is now available at this link: https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/kosovo/19874.pdf


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