The workshops of the working groups of the National Youth Congress of Kosovo

Youth from secondary education and universities participated in these workshops and discussed about the topics that preoccupy them on a daily basis.
On 12.10.2018, in Lipjan municipality, the first workshop was organized and the topic was the education. Youth - boys and girls had the opportunity to express their ideas about the activities that should become part of the working strategy of the Congress.
On 13.10.2018, in Gjakova municipality, the workshop for the drafting of the working strategy for the topic of employment was organized. Youth – boys and girls that participated in this event came from Prishtina, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Drenas, Prizren, Peja and Gjakova. They shared ideas about future steps, activities and concrete projects for improving the situation in the area of employment in Kosovo.
The third workshop was organized on 24.10.2018, in Prizren municipality with the topic: Social and cultural life of youth in Kosovo. During this workshop, there was a discussion about the existing problems in this area and proposals were prepared based on the requests presented during the workshop aimed for the improving of the current situation.
And the last workshop within this cycle of the working groups of the National Youth Congress was organized on 25.10.2018, in Kamenica municipality and the topic was: Inclusion of youth in decision-making. The youth from Kamenica had the opportunity to get information on the rights and the possibilities for their inclusion in the decision-making processes in their municipality, in order to improve their situation by getting involved in the decision-making processes that are related to youth matters.
All the recommendations and proposals with concrete activities from these workshops shall be presented and shall be part of the plan of activities during the work for the preparation of the Strategy of the Congress.
Rr. Pashko Vasa 23
10000 Prishtinë
Republika e Kosovës