Three Days' Summer Camp with National Youth Congress
In close cooperation with the National Youth Congress (NYC) the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) organized a 3-Day Summer Camp from July 30th to August 1st2021 which united NYC’s new members outside the digital sphere for the very first time ever since the beginning of the pandemic. It is of high priority to encourage the young members who are spread all around Kosovo to actively get to know each other in order to create a space in which ideas can be discussed, encouraged and criticized openly.
Within this program the young participants were given the opportunity to discuss different topics in divided committees. They discussed Kosovo’s new pandemic-related issues regarding the education system, social life, job market/ unemployment as well as the impact of youth engagement on our political decision-making process. Within these committees’ current deficits were defined and according goals for all the Congress Members of the National Youth Congress were created.
We are excited to see the new wave of energetic and innovative ideas come into play when it comes to identifying the needs of the youth as well as enthusiastically creating alternatives for a better future for the youngsters of Kosova. The National Youth Congress Kosovo has therefore pathed a new way to accomplish the discussed goals through these different activities.
Pashko Vasa Str. 23
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo