FES in Kosovo
Our mission
The office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Prishtina was set up in the difficult political circumstances of the years 1999 and 2000. After the NATO intervention in spring 1999, the United Nations Resolution 1244 authorised an international civil and military presence in Kosovo. Local democratic structures were meant to be established on a step by step basis. With its experience, the FES in Prishtina is contributing to this process of strengthening democracy and good governance in Kosovo.
Founded officially in June 2000, the Prishtina Office had to cope with considerable challenges, such as the contrasting views of the main ethnic groups concerning Kosovo’s political status. One of FES’s major aims has therefore always been to ensure active participation of all ethnic groups in Kosovo in order to establish a democratic system. Since day one, the Prishtina Office was committed to strengthening civil society organisations by working with partners from government institutions, trade unions and employers’ organisations, research institutes and the media.
Its mandate being political education and consultancy, the Prishtina Office organises conferences, provides a platform for discussion and supports political research in order to create a vibrant democratic society and develop local democratic structures. After the declaration of independence on 17th February 2008, Kosovo is still facing notable economic and social challenges: the performance of Kosovo's rule of law institutions is still poor, the economic situation remains difficult and democratic structures and processes are still too weak.
Today, the office of the FES in Prishtina is active in
- Promoting democracy and enabling the active participation of civil society
- Supporting decentralisation and local government
- Promoting a socially just and sustainable economic development and strengthening labour relations
- Supporting regional and international integration
Aims and Objectives of FES Kosovo
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in its work is guided by the basic values of social democracy: freedom, justice, solidarity and international cooperation. The aim of FES Prishtina is to offer the Kosovar society an understanding of democratic processes such as political party development, fair elections and active citizenship.This is to be achieved through the various projects and activities implemented in Kosovo with the cooperation of our local and international partners. Activities are planned and held in cooperation with our partner organisations. FES offers in the first place national, regional and international workshops, seminars and conferences, research studies, political analysis, publications, as well as exchange programmes.
The main focus of our work
Promoting democracy and supporting civil society
- Supporting the development of democratic political structures and strengthening civil society organisations in order to establish an active and multiethnic society
- Assisting representatives of civil society, political institutions as well as journalists, academics and trade unionists
- Cooperating with women organisations in achieving equality of women in all spheres of life
Advancing the decentralisation process and supporting local democratic governance
- Supporting the debates on concepts of Good Governance and citizens' participation at local level
- Facilitate the contact between civil society organisations and local assembly members
- Promote active participation of all ethnic communities in local government
Supporting a socially just and sustainable economic development
- Encouraging the social dialogue between trade unions and employers' organisations
- Contributing to capacity building of the social partners in social and economic issues
- Contribute to the transfer of knowledge and experience in labour relations
Promoting regional and international integration
- Supporting interactive debate between Kosovo civil society organisations, Kosovo institutions and members of parlament on EU related economic and social policy issues
- Discussing EU integration processes with stakeholders and work to include the topic in the national discourse and development agenda
- Advising parliament committees and the government in EU integration issues
Pashko Vasa Str. 23
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo