

The members of the Kosovo we Want platform, have reflected upon the situation and management of the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore they are publically calling the institutions of Kosovo, to create the necessary legal base supporting the necessary measures.

Kosovo we want (KWW), is a platform in which the different NGO-s cooperate and coordinate willingly on joint advocacy and focused on: education for employability and development, sustainable economic development, civic activism for good governance, affordable and just social and health policies that enable every citizen of Kosovo-a decent life and work.

We invite you to join the declaration!



As a civil-society initiative for social justice, freedom, and solidarity in Kosovo, the Kosovo We Want (KWW) platform calls for the swift introduction of legislation by the current government to establish a legal basis for eijective measures to fight the pandemic.

KWW is guided by the principle that citizens of the Republic of Kosovo have rights and duties. Citizens have the right for basic support in many aspects of life like education, social security, and a path for sustainable economic development and duties in form of taxes and other contributions to the solidarity system. During the last months, the majority of citizens have held up their end of the bargain by respecting the limitation of their rights, such as freedom of movement and right to protest in order to curb the further spread of Covid-19.

The specific COVID-19 Legislation is needed to address this issue. The current situation creates uncertainty that undermines implementation of the current measures. Citizens deserve to have legally based support and to act based on a legislation that ensures services and protection for all. be governed by a rule-of law. As the Constitutional Court has decided that further clarification on the Ministry of Health's mandate is needed, the government should introduce legislation to allow for transparent governance in response to COVID-19.

Beyond the direct health effect to Kosovan citizens the pandemic has caused an economic crisis that needs urgent action. The current uncertainty adds an unnecessary burden unto businesses that struggle during the pandemic already.

KWW calls for an effective and efficient health and social security systems with services accessible and affordable for all citizens of Kosovo. The current pandemic underlines the inequalities that exist when it comes to access of health services.

In these times, when citizens are asked to respect the protective measures to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones, the state must fulfill its duties as well. Therefore, an adequate COVID-19 legislation is needed to allow for an effective, transparent response to the pandemic.



Ul. Pashko Vasa 23
10000 Priština
Republika Kosovo

+381 (0) 38 600 108