"Strengthen the role of youth in local decision-making process"

The workshop was held from 27-29 July 2018 in Bogë-Rugovë.

A three-day youth workshop with the youth from Lipjan municipality was held to strengthen the role of youth in local decision-making. The purpose of this workshop is to make young people from all communities in the municipality of Lipjan become part of the decision making by prioritizing their requests and needs.

This workshop is part of one of the strategic areas of the National Youth Congress of Kosovo to empower young people in public decision-making processes. The workshop was financially supported by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and was implemented by the Lipjan Youth Center (LYC).

After the completion of this workshop will be presented a document which includes challenges and problems faced by the youth of this municipality.

Additionally, this document contains concrete demands from the youth whom they will send to Lipljan Municipality for implementation.

The workshop was held from 27-29 July 2018 in Bogë-Rugovë.


Ul. Pashko Vasa 23
10000 Priština
Republika Kosovo

+381 (0) 38 600 108