Sunday, 20.08.2017 - Tuesday, 22.08.2017 - Prizren

The Future of Borders

In Cooperation with Autostrada Biennale, FES Prishtina organized a panel discussion in Prizren, kicking off the first ever Biennale in Kosovo in an opening of the three day international conference as part of the Biennale program.

Embedded in this cultural event in Kosovo, we used the topic of this years Biennale, “The future of borders”, to engage in a discussion about politics of borders focusing on both political border disputes, migration as well as the often invisible borders, such as stereotypes or inequality, dividing societies in the region. Experts and activists from civil society, media, arts and politics from the region and beyond gathered in the Old Hamam in Prizren, to reflect on how to overcome obstacles of divisive border policies and deeply rooted conflicts in order to live together more peacefully.


Ul. Pashko Vasa 23
10000 Priština
Republika Kosovo

+381 (0) 38 600 108