
Latest Publications

Decentralizimi - një peshë e rëndë për ta realizuar

Tahiri, Besnik

Decentralizimi - një peshë e rëndë për ta realizuar

pëerpjekjekt për të lëvizur nga konsolidimi i demokracisë lokale në ofrim më të mirë të shërbimeve ; rasti i Kosovës
Prishtina, 2013

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Decentralization - a heavy weight to be carried out

Tahiri, Besnik

Decentralization - a heavy weight to be carried out

struggling to move from consolidation of local democracy to better service delivery ; the case of Kosovo
Prishtina, 2013

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Qasja alternative për energjinë

Qasja alternative për energjinë

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; RIINVEST. - Prishtina, 2011. - 12 S. = 2,8 MB PDF-File. - (Punim udhëzues
Prishtinan, 2013

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An alternative approach for energy

An alternative approach for energy

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; RIINVEST. - Prishtina, 2011. - 12 S. = 2,8 MB PDF-File. - (Briefing paper
Prishtinan, 2013

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Private sector development

Private sector development

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; RIINVEST. - Prishtina, 2011. - 11 S. = 300 KB, PDF-File. - (Briefing paper
Prishtinan, 2013

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Zhvillimi i sektorit privat

Zhvillimi i sektorit privat

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; RIINVEST. - Prishtina, 2011. - 11 S. = 610 KB, PDF-File. - (Punim udhëzues
Prishtinan, 2013

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Economic challenges 2011 plus

Economic challenges 2011 plus

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; RIINVEST. - Prishtina, 2011. - 17 S. = 540 KB, PDF-File. - (Briefing paper
Prishtina, 2011

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Sfidat ekonomike 2011 plus

Sfidat ekonomike 2011 plus

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; RIINVEST. - Prishtina, 2011. - 16 S. = 530 KB, PDF-File. - (Punim udhëzues
Prishtinan, 2013

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Integrimi në Bashkimin Europian i nivelit lokal

Integrimi në Bashkimin Europian i nivelit lokal

Prishtina, 2013

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European Union integration at the local level

European Union integration at the local level

Prishtina, 2013

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Pashko Vasa Str. 23
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo

+383 (0) 38 600 108

Green Energy

FES Kosovo has published a leaflet under the campaign for boosting economic development through the Kosovo We Want platform, in which economy is related to green energy. The leaflet presents a few recommendations as to how can Kosovo’s economy be built through green energy, by taking steps in hiring the relevant professionals in the field, planning strategically for the future, defining responsibilities, and the relevant actors in this field. The benefits of such activism are a healthier environment, safe energy, sustainable employment and development.