
Latest Publications

Mes stabilitetit dhe demokratizimit

Beha, Adem

Mes stabilitetit dhe demokratizimit

Zgjedhjet, partitë politike dhe demokracia brendapartiake në Kosovë
Prishtina, 2017

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Between stabilisation and democratisation

Beha, Adem

Between stabilisation and democratisation

Elections, political parties and intra-party democracy in Kosovo
Prishtina, 2017

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Politika të mira arsimore për ekonomi të suksesshme

Politika të mira arsimore për ekonomi të suksesshme

Pozitat e Fondacionit Friedrich Ebert me fakte : teza për një kornizë trajtimi për hartimin e një arsimi të orientuar kah ardhmëria dhe politika e tregut të punës në Kosovë
Prishtina, 2018

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Good education policy for a successful economy

Good education policy for a successful economy

Positions of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation with facts : theses for a operational framework for designing a future-oriented education and labor market policy in Kosovo
Prishtina, 2018

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Gute Bildungspolitik für eine erfolgreiche Wirtschaft

Gute Bildungspolitik für eine erfolgreiche Wirtschaft

Positionen der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung mit Fakten : Thesen für einen Handlungsrahmen zur Gestaltung einer zukunftsorientierten Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Kosovo
Prishtina, 2018

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Human security challenges in Kosovo

Kabashi-Ramaj, Besa

Human security challenges in Kosovo

Political instability in Kosovo and implications for the human security of the people
Prishtina, 2017

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Sfidat e sigurisë njerëzore në Kosovë

Kabashi-Ramaj, Besa

Sfidat e sigurisë njerëzore në Kosovë

Destabiliteti politik në Kosovë dhe implikimet për sigurinë njerëzore të popullatës
Prishtina, 2017

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The role of decentralization on security improvement and peace-building in Kosovo

Dalipi, Samet; Shala, Krenar

The role of decentralization on security improvement and peace-building in Kosovo

policy paper
Prishtina, 2017

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Rinia në udhëkryq, cila është rruga?!

Rinia në udhëkryq, cila është rruga?!

Prishtina, 2017

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International Conference Current Security Challenges for the Western Balkan Region

International Conference Current Security Challenges for the Western Balkan Region

study based on inputs given at the International Conference organized on 20-21 November 2014 in Prishtina
Prishtina, 2017

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Pashko Vasa Str. 23
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo

+383 (0) 38 600 108

Green Energy

FES Kosovo has published a leaflet under the campaign for boosting economic development through the Kosovo We Want platform, in which economy is related to green energy. The leaflet presents a few recommendations as to how can Kosovo’s economy be built through green energy, by taking steps in hiring the relevant professionals in the field, planning strategically for the future, defining responsibilities, and the relevant actors in this field. The benefits of such activism are a healthier environment, safe energy, sustainable employment and development.