
Latest Publications

The future has a voice - share yours

National youth congress

The future has a voice - share yours

Prishtina, 2018

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Budućnost ima glas - podeli svoj!

Korisite zajedničku snagu

Budućnost ima glas - podeli svoj!

Prishtina, 2018

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E ardhmja ka një zë - jepi fuqi zërit tënd!

Kongresi kombëtar i të rinjve

E ardhmja ka një zë - jepi fuqi zërit tënd!

Prishtina, 2018

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Kosova që ne duam

Kongresi nacional "Kosova që ne duam"

Kosova që ne duam

Siguri sociale, zhvillim ekonomik, punë dhe jetë të dinjitetshme
Prishtina, 2018

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Kosovo koje hoćemo

Nacionalni kongres "Kosovo koje hoćemo"

Kosovo koje hoćemo

Socijalno osiguranje, ekonomski razvoj, dostojanstven život i rad
Prishtina, 2018

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The Kosovo we want

National Congress "The Kosovo we want"

The Kosovo we want

Social security, economic development, decent work and life
Prishtina, 2018

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Politikat sociale në programet e partive politike

Politikat sociale në programet e partive politike

A ka rëndësi barazia?
Prishtina, 2018

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Social policies in political party programs

Social policies in political party programs

Does equality matter?
Prishtina, 2018

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Propozimet për skemën e sigurimeve shëndetësore

Hoxha, Ilir; Braha, Medina

Propozimet për skemën e sigurimeve shëndetësore

Prishtina, 2018

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Problemi me Sherbimin Spitalor dhe Klinik Universitar të Kosovës

Hoxha, Ilir; Braha, Medina

Problemi me Sherbimin Spitalor dhe Klinik Universitar të Kosovës

Prishtina, 2018

Download publication (4 MB, PDF-File)


Pashko Vasa Str. 23
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo

+383 (0) 38 600 108

Green Energy

FES Kosovo has published a leaflet under the campaign for boosting economic development through the Kosovo We Want platform, in which economy is related to green energy. The leaflet presents a few recommendations as to how can Kosovo’s economy be built through green energy, by taking steps in hiring the relevant professionals in the field, planning strategically for the future, defining responsibilities, and the relevant actors in this field. The benefits of such activism are a healthier environment, safe energy, sustainable employment and development.