
Latest Publications

Inkluzivnost na nivou odgovora Vlade na krizu COVID-19

Gashi, Ardiana; Gashi, Petrit

Inkluzivnost na nivou odgovora Vlade na krizu COVID-19

Ko je ostao isključen?
Prishtina, 2021

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Mbulueshmëria e reagimit të qeverisë ndaj krizës COVID-19

Gashi, Ardiana; Gashi, Petrit

Mbulueshmëria e reagimit të qeverisë ndaj krizës COVID-19

Kush u la pas dore?
Prishtina, 2021

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Inclusiveness of the government response to the COVID-19 crisis

Gashi, Ardiana; Gashi, Petrit

Inclusiveness of the government response to the COVID-19 crisis

Who was left behind?
Prishtina, 2021

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Raport mbi performancën e komunave në fushën e komunikimit me qytetar/e

Zogjani, Valëza

Raport mbi performancën e komunave në fushën e komunikimit me qytetar/e

Prishtina, 2021

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Report on the performance of municipalities in the area of communication with citizens

Zogjani, Valëza

Report on the performance of municipalities in the area of communication with citizens

Prishtina, 2021

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Efekat pandemije Covid-19 na Kosovu

Efekat pandemije Covid-19 na Kosovu

Rezultat opštinskih budžeta
Prishtina, 2021

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The effect of Covid-19 pandemic in Kosovo

The effect of Covid-19 pandemic in Kosovo

Outlook of municipal budgets
Prishtina, 2021

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Efekti pandemisë COVID-19 në Kosovë

Efekti pandemisë COVID-19 në Kosovë

Rezultati i buxheteve komunale
Prishtina, 2021

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Banimi social në Kosovë

Tafallari, Driton; Morina, Burim

Banimi social në Kosovë

Prishtina, 2020

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Why is early education the solution?

Behrami, Majlinda; Pacolli, Fitim; Ramqaj, Florent

Why is early education the solution?

Prishtina, 2020

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Pashko Vasa Str. 23
10000 Prishtina
Republic of Kosovo

+383 (0) 38 600 108

Green Energy

FES Kosovo has published a leaflet under the campaign for boosting economic development through the Kosovo We Want platform, in which economy is related to green energy. The leaflet presents a few recommendations as to how can Kosovo’s economy be built through green energy, by taking steps in hiring the relevant professionals in the field, planning strategically for the future, defining responsibilities, and the relevant actors in this field. The benefits of such activism are a healthier environment, safe energy, sustainable employment and development.